Ironhack challenge #3: Usability Evaluation and Site Redesign

Joao Rodrigues
4 min readMar 11, 2021


Should we travel together?

In this challenge I was invited to jump into the shoes of a world traveler. The main idea is to evaluate a travel app and redesign a solution if and where there is a need for it.

Firstly I need to define the user type and the story behind them, from a list with various options, I decided to work with:

Photo by Danka & Peter on Unsplash

Worldtrotter, Backpacker — 18–38 y/o (1)
You’ve decided to finally go visit that wonder that has been sitting in your dreams for a long time now. Yo don’t have a long time to plan but also you don’t need it. You’ll be traveling in 6 months and are open to almost any possibility but have a budget constraint. You are price-cautious and prefer experiences where you have a chance to meet people and make acquaintances to enjoy the wonder together. You are not picky and you can accommodate the most affordable, adventurous, genuine experience.

The next step, create a scenario for test- location, I decided to choose the magnificent Machu Picchu in Peru.

Photo by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos on Unsplash

The Research

Airport: The nearest airport is Cusco Airport, however, considering that my traveler loves adventure and experience, would be better to fly to Lima to firstly explore and progressively, move in direction to the destination

The Currency: Peruvian Sol

Important information about the country: You don’t need visa if you are tourist. This country has areas with high altitude; 2400m like Macchu Pichu or even more so, the travelers should be aware of altitude sickness.


Sky Scanner, Kayak, and TripAdvisor

After a usability heuristics evaluation using Nielsen’s principles in this three apps, I decided that beside the fact they very similar in functionality, language, and principals, TripAdvisor is the most appropriate for this trip, due to the features and information available. The backpacker, with a reduced period of time to plan and with a budget constrain, will be able to see reviews and opinions for places to visit, eat or sleep.


I’ve traced and selected 3 users that are fully adjusted to my selected user type.

Started with five-second test, where my 3 users looked at the screen of the app, as soon as this five-seconds went by, I covered the screen and then asked them the follow:

  • What did you see?
  • What can this app be used for?
  • Can you search for a flight here? where?

The feedback was instantaneous and unanimous. The users recognized that TripAdvisor is a tool to find flights, hotels restaurants, etc. I follow up with a task to see the interaction with the app and collect all the information needed and understand the good features to maintain and the ones that need to be redesigned.

The Task:

  • Select your max budget.
  • Book a ticket from London to Lima. May and October are months aligned with the region’s dry season and are the most popular time to visit Machu Picchu, so this will be the period to book the trip.
  • Book accommodation for the first days: without big plans and being a backpacker you will only need accommodation for your arrival, you will be moving around and with a tight budget you will try to find some couch surfing or the cheapest places available accordingly with the ratings on the app.
  • Book your tickets/transport to visit Machu Picchu.
  • Select the other top local attractions you want to visit during your time in Peru.

Pain Points

After analyzing the the results of my users test, I decided to focus in the following:

  • Too much information on the first screen saying the same thing- overwhelming
  • No location where you can select your budget and what is available “within” that limit.
  • Missing a section to fully personalize your trip.
  • Section to book local transports

Redesign Solutions

With this new layout the navigation on the app becomes simpler and cleaner.

All of our pain points have now a better solution where we can find exactly what we need.

Adding the Create your trip button the user is able to select all in one place such as flights, where to stay, places to eat or visit.

On the button My Budget the user is able to place their maximum budget and the app will give all the options available within that budget range. I’ve also added a new function called Trends where the user is able to get some inspiration for the next trip based on the most popular purchases made by other users.

Key Learnings

Not always does one app need to be fully redesigned, there is already great things you can take advantage of. Check always what may be available on the market and what you can learn from it. Don’t underestimate the power of the user testing and last but not least, remember that:

“I’m not the user of the product I’m creating and evaluating”

Thank You

